By Carlos C. GollerClass, I appreciate your engagement, patience, and questions as we worked with the HPC and continued analyzing sequences. HPC Moving Pictures Tutorial Focus on the... |Course Structure
By Carlos C. GollerWe just received ITS data from the GSL! Thank you GSL for running our sample so quickly! You can access the data from our folder shared... |Course Structure
By Carlos C. GollerIn preparation for today’s HPC activities, please review the HPC videos and download MobaXTerm, if needed. Slides for this week can be accessed here. Part 1:... |Course Structure
By Carlos C. GollerHello! We hope you enjoyed the weekend and are ready for a new module in the course. Podcast Script Review Podcast scripts are due tomorrow... |Course Structure, NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerGood morning metagenomics team, I wanted to thank you for your patience, as the Nanopore delayed us. The good news is that Scott Heck from...