HPC today!

In preparation for today’s HPC activities, please review the HPC videos and download MobaXTerm, if needed.

Slides for this week can be accessed here.

Part 1: Henry2: Basic HPC Workshop: Introduction (13 min)
Part 2: Henry2: Basic HPC Workshop: Storage and File Transfer (16 min)
Part 3: Henry2: Basic HPC Workshop: Running Jobs (15 min)

Follow the Moving Pictures Tutorial Dr. Lisa Lowe, Megan Boland, and Jason Whitham helped set up. Our goal is for you to learn the 16S/DADA2 pipeline using QIIME2 on the HPC with the intent to provide you with a new powerful resource to analyze other datasets, such as the marten dataset.

As you do this activity, please take notes in the Class Notes document. I look forward to learning about your analyses!