HPC Moving Pictures Tutorial, Nephele, and Podcast Reviews


I appreciate your engagement, patience, and questions as we worked with the HPC and continued analyzing sequences.

HPC Moving Pictures Tutorial

Focus on the QIIME2 tutorial and complete as much as you can. Then, analyze the results of a representative data image to exercise your interpretation skills.


Lots of discussions in the Student Help Forum. Please note that I am also learning from this and have received valuable information from you, Nephele, and Zymo. I have also relayed some comments back to Nephele for improvements.

As we analyze marten data, note that we now have an idea of how to process sequences using the preprocessing pipeline. This involves trimming and removing adapters. After that, confirm that it worked running the filtered (trimmed/cut) sequences through the preprocessing pipeline. Then, submit a 16S/DADA2 job and eventually a Downstream Analysis or MicrobiomeDB.

Share your results in the forum and include mapping files when possible! We will need to follow a similar procedure for the ITS analyses!

Remember, our goal is to document, learn, share, and contribute.


You should be able to review until Friday at 10:00 pm (2021-11-12 22:00 EST). I tried to distribute manually the podcast scripts. Let me know if I missed you or you do not have access to one and I can assign another for peer review.

You should be able to review on the same submission site. I will share this information with others.

Reading Assignment

Remember to read and annotate article 3.

Thank you!


Computer Processing
computer processing<br />By Teewara soontorn, TH<br />In the Process Collection