Recent Posts

Annotation of Article 1

I am enjoying reading your annotations. Please take a moment to review what your peers have posted and return to the document to include more...

Thank you for your feedback and hard work!

I appreciate your feedback on the course and experience. It was our first entirely online asynchronous BIT 477/577 Metagenomics module, and I am impressed by...

Wrapping up!

Team, We appreciate your hard work and posts on the forum sharing resources and tools! As you wrap up the course and submit podcasts and BIT...

Adapting to challenges!

Team, I know we have encountered some challenges with KBase and now Nephele. I wanted to let you know that I appreciate your questions and the...

Community of Inquiry

Community is critical for online courses. We designed the first forum to not only have you introduce yourself but share your goals. You may have...