By Carlos C. GollerGood morning BIT Metagenomics team! We appreciate your patience and questions yesterday! To recap, we performed bead cleanups to select the anticipated size for the... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerTomorrow in the lab, we continue working to prepare 16S/ITS libraries for the sourdough samples we are analyzing. We will begin with the bead cleanup.... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerContinue contributing to the annotations using Perusall. There is a rich conversation going on with resources and clarifications of this first article. Remember to complete the TopHat questions... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerWe have our first synchronous session this afternoon at 12:50 PM on Zoom. During our synchronous session, we will do a brief overview of Unit 1 and then save... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerThank you for your hard work, patience while waiting for PCRs, and questions yesterday! You all amplified our target reference gene segments (16S, ITS) and...