KBase Narratives and Lab 2 Review

BIT Metagenomics
BIT Metagenomics logo with go.ncsu.edu/bitmetagenomics website listed on the right On the left there are several bacteria

Good morning BIT Metagenomics team!

We appreciate your patience and questions yesterday! To recap, we performed bead cleanups to select the anticipated size for the 16S and ITS PCR products from our initial PCR. You all did a full 96-well plate manually! You then set up a plate for a barcoding reaction to incorporate “tags” to identify each sample with a distinct sequence.

You worked in groups to learn about diversity, species richness, and species evenness. We encourage you to ask questions and improve this activity. I have made the POGIL activity document linked here viewable AND with commenting permissions!


Continue working on the KBase Silver and Gold Narratives (with a capital N per KBase standards). Silver has been pre-computed for you with the goal of allowing you time to explore the Apps/tools, datasets, and results. For the Gold Narrative, we challenge you to FIND a dataset in the NCBI SRA database that is:

  1. Illumina sequencing, paired-end ideally

  2. Whole genome sequencing

  3. Metagenomes (not single genome)

This week there is no reading assignment, though we encourage you to continue revisiting article 1 and annotating some more. We have extended the annotation window to promote the wonderful discussions you all have been having.

This week we do have a JoVE video/article and critical thinking scenario. Discuss your thoughts in the forum.

As always, ask questions! What are your thoughts?