How can we plot this? How certain are we? In this module, we will focus on interpreting data from your analyses and running statistical tests.
Upon successful completion of this module, you will be able to:
- MO 6.1. Given a formatted dataset and an appropriate visualization tool, the participant will be able to accurately summarize the output for different measures of diversity.
- MO 6.2. Interpret and evaluate a 2D representation of multidimensional data (ordination plot)
- MO 6.3. Describe what published metagenomic survey figures represent.
- MO 6.4. Identify statistical methods used for hypothesis testing in metagenomics.
To complete this module, you will need to:
- Watch Module 6 video and complete Top Hat questions
- Contribute to Class Notes
- Participate in JoVE article #3 discussion forum.
- Complete podcast recording.
- Complete data analysis project.
- Complete BIT 577 Tutorial.
For this module, we want you to complete the QIIME2 tutorial on the HPC and explore the output. Examine different plots and perform statistical analyses. Then, complete the Top Hat questions and contribute to the class notes. Another module assignment is to review the JoVE article #3 and post a response to a question and your peers. Finally, we want you to focus on completing your podcast assignment, data analysis project, and BIT 577 tutorial.
Next week, we will reveal the products of your hard work to demonstrate all you have learned and share useful resources!
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