By Carlos C. GollerBIT Metagenomics Students, You have prepared metagenomic DNA for sequencing, analyzed data, created reports, and created tutorials for others. Congratulations! We appreciate your effort and... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerClass, We are impressed with the analyses and discussions we had yesterday. You did a lot with complex datasets, unknowns, and limited time. We hope... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerI was able to present work from our educational study. We used a combination of primary literature, pre/post quizzes, bioinformatics attitude surveys, and KBase narratives... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerThank you for being persistent and patient as you concatenated lots of data from the Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) 16S amplification and whole genome shotgun... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerYou have prepared metagenomic DNA for sequencing, analyzed data, and created tutorials for others. Congratulations! We appreciate your effort and persistence. Please review your assignment...