By Carlos C. GollerClass, Podcasts Some of you have recorded podcasts. Incorporate feedback from the podcast review activity we did last week. Then, please post an update on... |Feature, NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerClass, We’ve had lots of questions about TopHat Module deadlines and lab entries. TopHat Modules 5 and 6 have been set to close tomorrow and... |Course Structure, NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerHello! We hope you enjoyed the weekend and are ready for a new module in the course. Module 6 will address: How can we plot this?... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerClass, Happy Friday! I wanted to provide a couple of reminders. Nephele Share your results in the forum and include mapping files when possible! We... |NCSU
By Carlos C. GollerI am very glad to see so many great questions on the forum! You are thinking about the HPC and Nephele pipelines and how we can troubleshoot...