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Lab 5 today and Modules 6 and 7

Good morning, BIT 477/577 participants, Today, we will analyze data using We have sequenced our samples using Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) whole genome sequencing...

Finishing Module 4 and POGIL

Good afternoon! Thank you for all your work on Module 4 and in lab this week. We did three different experiments. Wow! Please remember to...

Module 4 and Lab 3

Module 4 is available and will include an additional online tool we will explore.  Several computational pipelines offer users the computational power to analyze metagenomes...

Data Analyses, Podcasts, and Lab Notebooks

You have prepared metagenomic DNA for sequencing, analyzed data, and created tutorials for others. Congratulations!  We appreciate your effort and persistence. Please review your assignment...

Module 6: How can we plot this?

Tomorrow, we will have our in-person lab in Jordan Hall at 12:50 PM. We will use this time to complete POGIL Activity 3 and continue working on...