All grades are posted. Please review.


It has been a pleasure to get to know each of you and watch you develop skills, analyze data, and produce creative projects. I hope this class met some of your course objectives. 

You completed a series of assignments that varied in difficulty and asked you to try different approaches and share your responses in writing, video, and audio. You reviewed the work of your peers and provided feedback. Importantly, you learned about the critical steps of library preparation, sequence processing, and graphing data that is multidimensional.

You were able to connect your analyses to biological questions about compost and marten diets.

Please review your grades on Moodle carefully and let us know if you have any questions. We will post to MyPack on Friday morning.

Additionally, I hope you take some time to complete the optional post quiz and survey.

Take care!


Goal icon
Goal icon by Gregor Cresnar from The Noun Project