What did you discover? Share and explain your work.


We hope you enjoyed the weekend and are ready for a review of all you have done in this course. This last day and final module are an opportunity for you all to share what you did and discovered.

Module 7 addresses the question: What did we discover?

In this module, we will focus on reflecting on the work you have done in the past several weeks. This module is intentionally designed for you all to share your work and learn from each other. 

Data Analysis Project.

Bioinformatics analyses are challenging, and we often learn by trial and error. You have all shared your updates and HOW you are analyzing the novel datasets we created with the marten samples from Dr. McKenney and Dr. Diana Lafferrty. Remember that  YOU are conducting new research. After carefully processing the sequences, focus on the biological significance of the trends and differences you uncover. Our dataset is rich in metadata and possible comparisons! Furthermore, you now have several tools and colleagues to work with to discover new things. What did you discover? Data analysis projects are due tomorrow 11/29.

Podcasts and BIT 577 Tutorials.

The goal of the podcasts and tutorials was for you to share your conceptual (podcasts) and procedural (tutorials) with others. You can choose to share with peers on the forums or broadly by posting on the course public website. Think about what you have learned from writing the script, reviewing other scripts, and this week watching tutorials others created.

I realize some of you are finishing podcasts and tutorials. Post and share by the end of the day tomorrow.

One last question: what did you find in the dataset(s) you analyzed?

I look forward to learning about your podcasts, tutorials, and analyses and what you learned about microbial community analyses.

White light bulb icon with checkmark in red square with rounded corners. From The Noun Project: solution<br />By Adrien Coquet, FR