Library Pooling and Nanopore Libraries on the Miroculus Miro

BIT Metagenomics
BIT Metagenomics logo with website listed on the right On the left there are several bacteria

BIT 477/577 Metagenomics,

We have another lab session tomorrow: we will dilute our amplicon libraries, pool to 10 nM, and confirm the size of the pooled library with the TapeStation. 

We will have time to work on a Nanopore activity in groups of 3-4 and then load the Miroculus (protocol attached) to start a library prep for the Nanopore!
The rest of the time will be catching up with the Nephele web-based portal. If you are having trouble downloading and unzipping your files, try this Dropbox link (opens in new window).

Take care!

The BIT Metagenomics Team F22